Answers to the Participle Worksheet (Autumn term)
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your answer to ludi magister)
Present Participle = - ING
1. portans = carrying
2. monens = warning
3. trahens = dragging
m. capiens = taking
4. audiens = hearing
It describes something happening at the same time as the main verb.
a. Cephalus poculum tenens cubiculum intravit.
Cephalus, holding the
cup, entered the bedroom.
b. Memor fabros exspectantes neglexit.
Memor ignored the craftsmen (who
were) waiting.
c. Memor Cephalum vinum tenentem vituperavit.
Memor cursed
Cephalus (who was)
holding the wine.
d. Cephalus senatorem appropinquantem conspexit.
Cephalus caught sight of the
senator (who was) approaching.
e. servi in area stantes Memorem dormientem vituperaverunt.
The slaves, standing in the courtyard, cursed Memor, (who was) sleeping.
Participle = HAVING BEEN .......
It is the Fourth Principal Part:
porto portare portavi portatus
= having been carried
moneo monere monui monitus
traho trahere traxi tractus
capio capere cepi captus
audio audire audivi auditus
+ iubeo iubere iussi iussus
= having been ordered
a. architectus, a fabro vituperatus, servos venire iussit.
The architect, having been cursed
by the craftsman, ordered his
slaves to come.
b. servi, venire iussi, festinaverunt.
The slaves, having been
ordered to come, hurried.
c. faber a servis captus clamavit.
The craftsman, having been caught by the slaves, shouted.
d. servi fabrum, ad balneum tractum, in aquam deiecerunt.
(The slaves threw into the water the craftsman, having been dragged to the bath.)
slaves dragged the craftsman
to the bath and threw him in the
e. faber in aquam deiectus miserrimus erat.
The craftsman,
having been thrown
in the water, was very
f. architectus fabrum in aquam deiectum derisit.
The architect laughed at the
slave who had been thrown in the
g. ancillae a ceteris servis vocatae fabrum spectabant.
The slave-girls,
having been called by the other slaves, were
looking at the craftsman.