7 Winter Latin Test 2019 -
NOUNS | First Declension | Second Decl. | Third Decl. |
Singular | |||
NOMINATIVE | puell-a | serv-us | leo |
ACCUSATIVE | puell-am | serv-um | leon-em |
Plural | |||
First Conjugation laboro I work laboramus we |
Second Conj. teneo tenemus |
Third Conj. traho trahimus |
Fourth Conj. audio audimus |
sum = I am |
es = you (s) are |
est = he, she, it is |
sumus = we are |
estis = you (pl) are |
sunt = they are |
life topics to revise: a
Roman house; a
dining-room; the town of Pompeii; the forum. Diagrams.
- Stages 1 to 4
Nouns 1st Declension
ancilla slave-girl
cena dinner
cera wax
ianua door
mensa table
pecunia money
poeta poet
puella girl
taberna shop, inn
via road, street
villa house, villa
2nd Declension
amicus friend
anulus ring
cibus food
coquus cook
dominus master
filius son
forum forum, market
hortus garden
servus slave
signum sign, seal
vinum wine
3rd Declension
canis dog
iudex judge
leo lion
mercator merchant
navis ship
pater father
iratus angry
laetus happy
magnus big
perterritus terrified
mendax liar
ego I, me
tu you
cur? why
quis? who
quid? what
ubi? where
e, ex out of
in in, on, into
ad to, towards
et and
sed but
Verbs 1st Conjugation
ceno dine
circumspecto look around
clamo shout
exspecto wait for
gusto taste
intro enter
laboro work
laudo praise
porto carry
saluto greet
voco call
2nd Conjugation
habeo have
respondeo reply
rideo laugh, smile
sedeo sit
teneo hold
video see
3rd Conjugation
ago do, act
bibo drink
coquo cook
quaero look for, ask for
reddo give back
surgo get up, rise
traho drag, pull
vendo sell
audio hear, listen
dormio sleep
Irregular verbs
est is
exit goes out
inquit he/she says
non not
quoque also
satis enough
ecce look!
eheu oh dear!
euge well done!